Artist Index


FERMENT 5 opening on Friday 1 February at 6-8pm

Open 11am - 5pm Friday - Sunday 1-3 February. 

FERMENT 5 shows the work of  Lisa Andrew & Rachel Buckeridge, Susan Andrews, Corinne Brittain, Lucinda Clutterbuck and Lewis Argall, Claire GibbonNola Farman, Allan Giddy,  Adrian Hall, Laine Hogarty, Annelies Jahn, Michelle Le Dain, Joyce Lubotzky, Wendy Miller, Louise Morgan, Nadia Odlum,  Anya Pesce, Renay Pepita, Nina Raven, Tamsin Salehian, Eva Simmons, Helen M Sturgess, Mark Titmarsh and Elke Wohlfahrt.

See all FERMENT here.


Lisa Andrew & Rachel Buckeridge

Corinne Brittain  Back to Basics 2010 (detail)
Joyce Lubotzky

L-R: Eva Simmons.  Michelle LeDain, Nola Farnam

Allan Giddy

FERMENT 5 is the last of FERMENT's five exhibitions that together show the work of 50 artists over 5 weeks. FERMENT is designed to present the exhibition as a changing site by re-contextualising each artwork with new works installed in the gaps left by the departure of works that were installed earlier.  This weekly going and coming of artworks is like a slow and progressive dance, each step of which is seen by coming to its 5 openings—on Fridays 6-8pm on 4, 11, 18 and 15 January & 1 February.

By the time it finishes at 5pm on Sunday 3 February, it will have shown the work of 
Lisa Andrew & Rachel Buckeridge, Susan Andrews, Karen Banks, Liz Bradshaw, 
Corinne Brittain, Mandy Burgess, Sue Callanan, Angus Callander, Curtis Ceapa, Stella Chen, Lucinda Clutterbuck and Lewis Argall, Paul Cooper,  der_melicious, Dominique Madeleine Devadason,  Jacquelene Drinkall, Michele Elliot, Merilyn Fairskye, Nola Farman, Beata Geyer, Claire Gibbon, Allan Giddy, Adrian Hall, Barbara Halnan, Annelies Jahn, Fiona Kemp, Harry Klein, Michelle LeDain, Joyce Lubotzky, Wendy Miller, Louise Morgan, Nadia Odlum, Renay Pepita, Anya Pesce, Nina Raven, Margaret Roberts, Tamsin Salehian, Andrew Simms, Eva Simmons, Anke Stäcker, Helen M Sturgess, Jessica Thallmaier, Rosie Thomas, Mark Titmarsh, Nina Walton, Elke Wohlfahrt and Sarah Woodward. See this work here.