Artist Index


Project space | Bradley Mendels and Felixe Rives - A Greater Space

Opening Event Thursday May 19, 4.30-8.30pm
Exhibition from May 19 until Jun 5th
Open 11am - 5pm | Thu-Sun

'A Greater Space' performances | Sat May 21, 28 & Jun 4, 3-5pm

View page on our new website


Felixe Rives, 'The studio study'

At a time when borders are more present than ever, between countries, cities and people; the responsibility to overcome them rests at our feet. A Greater Space explores methods of physically reshaping the frame which merges the division of frame and artwork, allowing for a rethinking of the frame’s status. 

Working with empty spaces, Bradley invites the audience to look past the boundaries of the frame and into themselves, as well as the physical landscape. He depicts his landscapes as the antitheses of the natural world; structured and orderly to highlight the chaos of the external.

Felixe focuses on the artist’s experience in space, exploring painting as a window between the personal and the public. The painting becomes the frame of a truth, which allows the frame to hold meaning within itself. She plays with erasure as a performative action of painting to reveal the struggle of the artist within the art world.

This exhibition sees emerging artists Felixe Rives and Bradley Mendels exploring how to navigate and communicate these ideas to a wider audience.


COVID-Safe Measures:

Following the NSW Government’s relaxing of COVID-safe rules, there will be no check-in requirements. Wearing face masks is a personal choice, but we highly encourage you to when social distancing might be difficult. Please do not visit if you’re unwell or, if you have been instructed by health authorities to isolate or are a close contact of an identified COVID case.
The health and wellbeing of our visitors, artists and volunteers is our priority. We look forward to seeing you at Articulate project space.


Project space | April Mountfort - Fabric of Society

Opening Event Saturday May 21, 2-5pm
Exhibition from May 20 until Jun 5th
Open 11am - 5pm | Thu-Sun

View page on our new website

April Mountfort "Not Consent", ©️April Mountfort


Two large double-sided hand-stitched fabric banners protest attitudes on contentious social issues and are accompanied by smaller works.

My first large banner, “Not Consent” (1800 x 1580 mm), protests legal responses to criminal charges of sexual assault and rape that also reflect current attitudes of some within society. This work was conceived upon hearing that in late 2018 an Irish court found the defendant not guilty of rape as the victim had been wearing lace undies which was considered to be signalling consent.

Responding to this “signalling consent” attitude I use semaphore, an analogue signalling system for sending messages by holding flags in positions to spell out alphabet letters. A female symbol holds flags onto which feminine lace undies have been stitched, with each square of the banner depicting a letter. Squares are stitched together with one side of the banner spelling “Not Consent” and the other side spelling “No Means No”.

These colourful lacy squares initially seem very pretty and feminine until their underlying message is realised. Additional smaller single-sided banners spell “No Shame” and “Not A Slut”.

My second large banner “Street Life” (2000 x 15000 mm) protests the vilification of homeless persons, an approach perpetuated by politicians unwilling to provide adequate public housing. Extensive research reveals multiple reasons for homelessness, including environmental factors, lack of adequate superannuation, dysfunctional family issues and other traumas. 

A colourful deteriorated blanket has been mended, onto which over 50 lace silhouettes have been stitched on one side. Each silhouette has a brief description of the cause of their homelessness, such as “homemaker, divorcee, little super”, “toxic institutional care”, “continually having a go, no luck” and “left country, no water”. Again, a colourful banner communicates an underlying serious message.

The second side has the words “Street Life” stitched onto white translucent fabric with larger silhouettes falling downwards.

Smaller single-sided fabric works have been created, each with a single silhouette and reason for homelessness.


COVID-Safe Measures:

Following the NSW Government’s relaxing of COVID-safe rules, there will be no check-in requirements. Wearing face masks is a personal choice, but we highly encourage you to when social distancing might be difficult. Please do not visit if you’re unwell or, if you have been instructed by health authorities to isolate or are a close contact of an identified COVID case.
The health and wellbeing of our visitors, artists and volunteers is our priority. We look forward to seeing you at Articulate project space.


Backroom | Mel Clyne - Same, but different: Variable Gesture Unit

Opening Event Saturday May 21, 2-5pm
Exhibition from May 20 until Jun 5th
Open 11am - 5pm | Thu-Sun

View page on our new website

Installation views, 2022

Can a physical performative trace of the artist’s body arise from the two-dimensional mark-making of brush and pencil and occupy space? View an installation of ‘variable gesture units’ created with both scrap and new acrylic panel.


COVID-Safe Measures:

Following the NSW Government’s relaxing of COVID-safe rules, there will be no check-in requirements. Wearing face masks is a personal choice, but we highly encourage you to when social distancing might be difficult. Please do not visit if you’re unwell or, if you have been instructed by health authorities to isolate or are a close contact of an identified COVID case.
The health and wellbeing of our visitors, artists and volunteers is our priority. We look forward to seeing you at Articulate project space.
