Artist Index


Systems: Air & Water opens THURSDAY 13 April 6-8pm

Open Fri - Sun 11am-5pm 15 - 30 April 2017
opening Thursday 13 April 6-8pm
(NB: closed Friday 14 April for the public holiday)

Systems: Air & Water shows the work of artists Sue Callanan, Ann Graham, Noelene Lucas, Hilarie Mais, Debra Porch and Eugenia Raskopoulos

Photo: Noelene Lucas, 2015

Air & water are the elemental systems of all life forms – flora & fauna (including human). They display the interdependence & interconnection of all phenomena. All cellular life is embedded in the planetary systems of air & water (weather, precipitation, photosynthesis, respiration).

This exhibition explores and celebrates the multiple ways these often overlooked, but essential, forces of life interact and are interdependent. The artists will consider the perceptions, social understandings & insights that fall under this wide parameter of the “system” - system as structure, arrangement, network, complex, methods, frameworks.

Some questions arise – how do we attach or make meaning in that which transpires between air and water? Is this the large mystery of the planet, or is it also the question of the heart and mind that can communicate beautiful and abstract concepts through objects, images and the senses?

The exhibition will consist of photography, video, installation & mixed media.