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somnauralisms : sonic sketchbooks opened last night

somnauralisms : sonic sketchbooks is a sound installation by Virginia Hilyard and Gary Warner that is experienced in situations that de-emphasise the visual by mainly using natural light. The only artificial lighting seems to be reflected onto the ground by the sound equipment and draws attention to the listening seats and benches located throughout the project space. Visitors sit or lie to listen to new compositions by the artists that they describe as abstract experimental immaterial sculptures of time, sound and conjured space. read more

somnauralisms : sonic sketchbooks is open Friday-Sunday, 28 October–12 November 2017.

somnauralisms - virginia hilyard

sonic sketchbooks - gary warner

photos above: gary warner

ArticulateUpstairs: Hidden by Elizabeth Rankin and Kirsten Drewes

photos: w.seeto