Open 11-5pm Thurs-Sun, Sat 31 Aug - Sun 8 Sept
project space project #20
project space project #20
Sam James is a video artist and projection designer based in Sydney, working with performance and live art. He is interested in the phenomenology of media, the relationship to body and its translation of phenomenal experience. He has made video light drawings on residencies in Iceland, Finland and Czech Republic as a response to site and local phenomena. This can take the form of idiosyncratic encounters with people, the in-betweenness of engagement with the unfamiliar and the senses provided by architectural and natural space. The artist is often visible in the recorded videos, facing the camera and drawing blind. This project gradually integrates video drawings in response to the site of Articulate’s space. Videos from other locations in the past will be phased gradually into the present.
Samuel James “Friends of Oneself” HD video still |
Samuel James "Practicing Liberty to then be Jailed” HD video still |