Artist Index


Final Weekend: John Gillies, Proposal for a Performance Space

Open Fri - Sun 11am - 5pm till Sun 9 August

Sunday 9th August
Artist Talk 3pm

Performance 4pm

Chris Abrahams & John Gillies, Aug 1 2020, Articulate project space (photo: Denis Beaubois)

Conditions of entry to the exhibition:
There are limited places in the gallery. You may have to wait a few minutes if the gallery is full.
Please stay at home if you’re unwell.
Stay at home if you’ve been in contact with a known or suspected COVID-19 case.
Please wear a mask in the gallery. We have spare ones
Utilise hand sanitisers provided at the entrance of the gallery.
Fill in your contact tracing information on entry to the gallery.
Maintain 1.5 metres distance from other visitors and staff.
You are encouraged to bring your own headphones to the gallery

This project has been supported by funding from the Inner West Council through its 2020 Creative and Cultural Resilience Grants Program.